2ú lá de mhí Nollaig 2019

Obair Bhaile

Litriú Ghaeilge: Revision-Seachtain a h-aon go dtí a trí (Weeks 1-3) Learn all questions and how to answer them. Translations and phonetic pronunciation is included to help parents and kids. If you are practising writing the phrases please use your H/W copy. Test on Friday.

Master Your Maths: Week 12 - Complete sections 1-4 by Friday the 6th November. You shouldn't be behind a night/section but you can go ahead and complete sections 1-4 earlier in the week if you know you're going to be busy later in the week.
Rough work for your work can be done in your homework copy or your Master Your Maths book.

Division tables: 2-12

  • Sally's class have Maths tests in their Master Your Maths and  both classes Test copies to be signed by Friday
  • Our email addresses have changed please make a note of our new addresses below.
  • Remember to revise for your spellings and tables each night.
  • Wear PE gear every Tuesday 
  • Winter shows Wednesday 11th, at 11 am for Sally's class and 11.45 am for Sarah's class

Best regards,

Sarah & Sally

sarah.griffin@belmayne-etns.ie                      sally.robinson@belmayne-etns.ie

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