Week Monday 30th March
·         Master Your Maths Week 24

·         Real Life Maths - Measures
ü  Take a selection of items from the kitchen cupboard.
ü  Estimate which item is the heaviest/lightest
ü  Weigh the items
ü  Order them from the heaviest to the lightest
ü  Find the total weight of the objects
ü  Find the difference between the heaviest and the lightest object
ü  Convert from grams to kg
ü   Find something that is approximately 1kg.
ü  Bake and measure out the ingredients. Change the quantities for different amounts of people.
Busy at Maths - copy and paste the following link into Google
Tick the following options
ü  Click on 'CLICK HERE' in the yellow box titled 'Important Notice'
ü  Level - Primary
ü  Class - 5th
ü  Subject - Maths
ü  Series - Bust at Maths
ü  Title - Busy at Maths 5 - Fifth Class
ü  Click on the 'eye' icon to access the book
ü  Jump to page - type in 135 and click GO
ü  Complete pages:
·         Pg 135 a - j
·         Pg 136
ü  Q1. a, d, f, h, j
ü  Q2. a, d, f, h, j
ü  Q3. a, d, f, h, j
ü  Q4. a, d, f, h, j
·         Pg 137
ü  Q1. a, d
ü  Q2. a,d
ü  Q3. a, d
ü  Q4. a, d
Extension Work:
·         Pg138
ü  Q1 - Q6

Léigh Sa Bhaile - Read comprehensions and complete the questions:
ü  Uibheacha Cásca Leathanach 87
ü  An t-Earrach Leathanach 82
Read and learn the poem:
ü  Na Séasúir Leathanach 85
Easter Activity https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-t-149-design-an-easter-egg-comprehension-activity-sheet-gaeilge  - there is  no need to print this activity page, just draw egg outline in your copy and follow the instructions

English Literacy

We have only received a few of the Week One - Rockets & Week 2 - Cavity Explanations. 
Some children may need longer to complete these, which is fine.
Explanations can also be sent onto Viv for feedback.
Viv is the 5th Class Co-Teacher and she works with both classes on the area of Literacy. Her email address is viv.gaynor@belmayne-etns.ie and she would love to see some of the great writing!

Literacy Extension Work Week 3 - 29th March - 3rd April

If you have fully completed the Week 1 & Week 2 tasks on Explanations please see the link below which will take you to a video on Geysers. You can complete an Explanation on this phenomenon using the video link and guidelines below.

Here is a link for parents to get more information about the genre:
Explanation Writing Task: Over the course of the third week of closure, we would like the children to write an Explanation text about How Geysers are Formed.
Steps to follow to successfully complete this task:
1)       Follow this link to a video explaining how geysers are formed and take notes, these notes will help you to plan and write your explanation text. Listen and watch the video about 3 times in order to record your notes.

2)     Write up your Plan
On a new page of your copy create a Writing Plan  to plan your explanation in your copy using the following sections
Definition: What is being explained in this text
Description – The description needs to be broken up into parts which explain the cause and effect of how  geysers are formed.
Application – how does this information about geysers help us in our everyday lives? How can this knowledge be applied.
Evaluative Summary – is having a good understanding of how geysers work useful, any special features?

3)      Using your plan begin to write our your first draft

4)      Re- read your first draft and edit it to make it better-  this means making corrections and edits  on the page. Check your capital letters, spelling and punctuation. Can I expand on my language and vocabulary? Have I included cause and effect when explaining the parts? Have I used present tense verbs and connectives at the beginning of each paragraph? Would a diagram help to explain any aspect of this? Have I included technical language?

5)      Write out your second draft and make sure you have included all of the corrections and improvements. Read it back to yourself , does it flow and make sense , read it to an audience can they understand what you are trying to explain? Listen to their feedback and edit it again to make it even better!

6)      Publish! Your published piece needs to be written into your copy neatly and tidily. You are aiming for no mistakes in this final piece.
Here is a suggested time frame:
Monday : Note taking from video, using a dictionary to look up technical vocab that you don’t understand
Tuesday - look at the planning framework to help structure ideas and write your plan into your copy book , then begin your first draft.
Wednesday - Finish first draft in copies and re –read it , checking for spellings , punctuation , organisation and structure.  Look at adding detail and maybe rephrasing parts to improve it, check from your note taking if there is anything else you can add to expand on the content.
Thursday - Write out their second draft into copies, read it to an audience, improve it!
Friday – Publish your final piece – you are aiming for no mistakes!
As the children are in 5th class we expect their presentation to be neat and tidy; margins and headings to be ruled in red pen and neat handwriting throughout. We want to see all the planning, drafts and redrafts , this can show us how the children have developed their writing over the course of a week.

Reading: Continue engaging in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time :) Here are some activities you could do based on your book of choice:
·         Predict what might happen in the next chapter
·         Design a new cover for the book
·         Write a book review
·         Summarise the book/ chapter in 100 words or less
·         Complete a character profile (draw the character on a piece of paper and write words to describe the character around the drawing – find evidence to back up what adjectives you use)
·         Go on a noun hunt/verb hunt/adjective hunt/adverb hunt in one chapter
·         Create a quiz based on the book
·         Write a letter to the author

Oral language:
Talk about what is happening around the world in relation to Corona Virus. Look at the ‘good news’ stories as well as the news and have discussions about different things.
·         Look at pictures from around the world and have a chat about them
·         Talk about the people who are helping us at this time (nurses, doctors, truck drivers, Gardaí, ambulance drivers, supermarket workers, scientists, the government, journalists, pharmacists, those working in factories, coffee shops, hotels and hundreds of other people)
·         Talk about the positives of working from home/ online schooling and the negatives
·         Face Time or video call family members and friends you can’t be with at the moment
·         The website Pobble365 is great – there is a new photo shared daily and lots of ideas for discussion
Tick the following options
ü  Level - Primary
ü  Class - 5th
ü  Subject - SESE
ü  Series - History Quest
ü  Title - History Quest 5
ü  Click on the 'eye' icon to access the book
ü  Jump to page - type in 51 and click GO
ü  Read the chapter Ireland in the Age of Revolution
ü  Complete question Activity A (page 55) and Activity C (page 59)
·         Continue working on European Country Capitals
·         Watch the videos Flags of Europe I, II, III and IV to familiarise yourself with the flag of each country
·         Practise through the activities below

Introduction to heat

Conductors and Insulators


Brian Cox 'Melting' series

Define how heat impacts on objects (hint: expanding or/and shrinking)
Describe matter changing state in relation to heat and water (i.e. solid, liquid and gas)
Describe and understand the importance of a fair test.
Define the terms insulator and conductor.
Give examples of good insulators and conductors for heat
Watch an experiment related to heat (choose from above or your own)
Please don't attempt any of the experiments without an adult present as they all require a heat source. You are not required to try any of these

Illustrate their learning in some way. e.g. write up the experiment, create a powerpoint, photograph it and caption/write about each picture or create a comic strip based on the experiment. Regardless of the form you choose there must be a written/typed element.
Your work can be emailed to us either as attached docs or photographs of the piece.

Make a conclusion based on the two images below. Both images are related, you can't come to a conclusion only using one.


Joe Wicks - PE with Joe

·         Listen to a piece of music and write about it – what does it remind you of? how does it make you feel?
·         Learn a song that your parents loved when they were your age? A song from 5 years ago? etc.
·         Listen to the different instruments of the orchestra
·         Listen to a variety of different pieces of music

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