School Closure Work

Hi Everyone,

The following work has been assigned for our classes for the next 2 weeks. Children have been given a new copy for this work.

Master Your Maths week 22 and 23

If you want to extend your child's learning you can use the following links  (songs-You'll either love us or hate us for them) 😅

Learn all European capitals and countries

Familiarise themselves with the EU 

Sample questions to bare in mind when researching.
What is the European Union?
How does the EU work?
How is the EU relevant to your daily life?
What is on the EU agenda?

Heat Comprehension (sent home in their homework folders)

Create a project on the French Revolution - PowerPoint, poster, booklet etc.
Include the following headings
Key Figures (factfile- picture, date of birth, role in the FR, early life, best known for and an interesting fact)
Major events e.g The storming of Bastille
Impact/ consequences in France or other countries.


Literacy 5th  Class
All classes have been studying the writing genre of Explanation since we returned to school after Winter holidays.
Here is a link for parents to get more information about the genre:
Explanation Writing Task: Over the course of the first week of closure, we would like the children to write an Explanation text about How Rockets Work.
Steps to follow to successfully complete this task:
1)       Follow this link to a video explaining how rockets work and take notes, these notes will help you to plan and write your explanation text. Listen and watch the video about 3 times in order to record your notes.

2)      Write up your Plan
On a new page of your copy create a Writing Plan  to plan your explanation in your copy using the following sections
Definition: What is being explained in this text
Description – The description needs to be broken up into parts which explain the cause and effect of how rockets work.
Application – how does this information about rockets help us in our everyday lives? How can this knowledge be applied.
Evaluative Summary – is having a good understanding of how rockets work useful, any special features?

3)      Using your plan begin to write our your first draft

4)      Re- read your first draft and edit it to make it better-  this means making corrections and edits  on the page. Check your capital letters, spelling and punctuation. Can I expand on my language and vocabulary? Have I included cause and effect when explaining the parts? Have I used present tense verbs and connectives at the beginning of each paragraph? Would a diagram help to explain any aspect of this? Have I included technical language?

5)      Write out your second draft and make sure you have included all of the corrections and improvements. Read it back to yourself , does it flow and make sense , read it to an audience can they understand what you are trying to explain? Listen to their feedback and edit it again to make it even better!

6)      Publish! Your published piece needs to be written into your copy neatly and tidily. You are aiming for no mistakes in this final piece.
Here is a suggested time frame:
Monday : Note taking from video, using a dictionary to look up technical vocab that you don’t understand
Tuesday - look at the planning framework to help structure ideas and write your plan into your copy book , then begin your first draft.
Wednesday - Finish first draft in copies and re –read it , checking for spellings , punctuation , organisation and structure.  Look at adding detail and maybe rephrasing parts to improve it, check from your note taking if there is anything else you can add to expand on the content.
Thursday - Write out their second draft into copies, read it to an audience, improve  it !
Friday – Publish your final piece – you are aiming for no mistakes!
As the children are in 5th class we expect their presentation to be neat and tidy; margins and headings to be ruled in red pen and neat handwriting throughout. We want to see all the planning, drafts and redrafts , this can show us how the children have developed their writing over the course of a week.
English Week 2: As above base an explanation on the following link

Daily DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) Time. 
Léigh Sa Bhaile lth 16, 20, 39, 93, 102 and 111.
Answer all questions in their copy, no need to write out the questions. Answers only!

Extra Gaeilge and Learn Together work attached in the link below.

Any questions please do not hesitate to email either of us.

Kind Regards,
Sarah & Sally

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