
Showing posts from April, 2020

Busy at Maths Answers

 Hi Everyone, Below are the answers to the Busy at Maths work. Have a lovely Spring break. Pg 135 a – j 20g 600g 2kg 5g 1,200kg 270g 10g 3,750kg 25g 85g Regarding the equipment used, we know the children all would have justified their answers and like to think outside the box so we don’t want to say for definite what would have been used. ·           Pg 136 ü    Q1. a, d, f, h, j 0.009kg 0.416kg 0.067kg 0.503kg 0.830kg ü    Q2. a, d, f, h, j 533/1000 533g 272/1000 272g 165/1000 165g 10/1000 10g 700/1000 700g ü    Q3. a, d, f, h, j 2,736g 3,257g 5,418g 3,300g 8,731g ü    Q4. a, d, f, h, j 1.737 kg 2.046kg 3.553kg 6.430kg 5.308kg ·           Pg 137 ü    Q1. a, d 30,323kg          32.323kg ü    Q2. a...
Corrections - Friday 03/04/2020. Good morning everyone, We hope you have all had a lovely week. Answers for the different curricular areas you have been working on this week are below. Please self correct. If there is anything you need clarified, send us an email:) Continue to send on your Explanation Texts to Viv: French Revolution projects can be sent to Sarah and Sally: Well done for engaging with the school activities so far, we are so proud of all of you. We know that some of you are finding it difficult being away from your friends and are missing school but we will all be back together soon. We hope you have a wonderful Easter and continue to enjoy time with your families:) Here's a poem   by Spike Milligan. I hope it would makes you smile! SMILING IS INFECTIOUS, YOU CAN CATCH IT LIKE THE FLU. WHEN SOMEONE SMILED AT ME TODAY, I STARTED SMILING T...